Loose and affectionate touch, INAPSQUARE
If there is someone who likes what I like, is there something else that would be as good as that?
If you have a few people to share in your fun,
I think it will be more enjoyable.

It is a cute graphic Berlin bag that makes use of the feeling of the INAPSQUARE
There is an advantage that you can put many things in a spacious space.
Use it as a daily bag or a travel bag.

Options: !(Exclamation mark), SOSO(black), WHAT A SOSO DAY, FISH
Size: 25mm X 40mm

상세 정보
  • Material
    Cotton 100%
  • Color
     !(Exclamation mark), SOSO(Black), WHAT A SOSO DAY, FISH
  • Size
      Horizontal 27.5cm / Height 33cm
  • Wash Care
    • Dry CleanDry Clean
    • Hand Wash SeparatelyHand Wash Separately
  • Precautions
     Please list precautions for washing and use. If there are no precautions, please delete those items with the right delete button.
  • Seller
     Object Living Research Institute
  • Quality assurance standards
     Comply with consumer dispute resolution standards